Massage also helps reduce inflammation, reduce muscle tension, provide relief from pain, and promote healing of injuries and dysfunction, achieve that with Acupuncture.
One of the most conventional alternative medicine treatments Acupuncture Sessions found to be beneficial in the elimination of neuromuscular dysfunctions. It targets so-called trigger points that can occur in our muscles. As a result, they get very sensitive to touch and cope with a lot of pain. Dry needling is a technique whereby solid needles are placed into trigger points in the skin. Sports injuries also benefit from this treatment.
DHA Licensed Specialists:
Our DHA-licensed specialist will come equipped with all the necessary personal protective equipment.
Safety Guaranteed:
Conditions Treated:
- Disc Problems
- Migraine and cervicogenic headaches
- Joint Problems
- Tendinitis
- Pelvic Pain
- Temporomandibular Joint Disorders and other issues related to the jaw
- Whiplash and Neck Pain
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Repetitive Motion Disorders
- Back pain
- Night Cramps and Muscle Spasms
- Phantom Pain
Safety Guaranteed:
Our DHA-licensed specialists strictly follow the guidelines from the healthcare authorities’ protocol to ensure safety, health, and hygiene are upheld to the highest standards.